HorrorClix Wiki

DS017 Thug Zombie is a HorrorClix 1.5 monster designed by BLG as part of the Dark Streets custom set.

Original Post[]

17. THUG ZOMBIE Undead, Zombie
This is a zombiefied thug, clad in 'gangsta rap' clothes and a lot of gaudy jewelry, with its arms outstretched, awkwardly holding a pistol in one hand as it shambles forward.
Points: 30
Range: 4/
Plot Twists: +0
A:08-08-07-07-06-X Empty The Clip (Randomfire)
D:14-14-13-13-12-X Doesn't Bleed (Stamina) / Bling (Deflect)*
D:02-02-01-01-01-X Platinum Grill (Pain)
*If this monster is hit by a Ranged attack, roll a d6: on a 6 the attack has no effect on this monster, and instead is resolved as it if hit the closest monster friendly to the attacker (possibly the attacker himself).

